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  • amjs澳金沙门(中国)有限公司

    发布者:amjs澳金沙门认证  发布时间:2024-09-12  浏览次数:







    一体化管理体系(IMS) - 什么是IMS?

    IMS是一种结构化的方法,使任何规模和任何行业的公司能够将各种标准或现有的管理系统组合成一个体系。通常,这可以是质量(ISO 9001)、环境(ISO 14001)或职业健康和安全管理(ISO 45001)的整合。然而,由于要求的结构相似,更多“特定”的管理体系,如信息安全(ISO 27001)或合规管理(ISO 37301),也可以轻松组合。


    大多数常见的ISO标准具有相似的结构 - 所谓的“高层结构”(HLS),或自2021年以来的“统一结构”。由于这种跨标准结构或相似结构,管理体系可以根据行业、公司规模和目标更好或更轻松地扩展或整合新的主题。



    §  更少的努力:目标、流程和结构通常已经相似。将不同的业务优先事项和方面捆绑成一个体系可以节省资源,提高效率并减少流程的复杂性。

    §  :通过结合数据和流程并将其视为大局的一部分,可以更容易且更迅速地识别出弱点。因此,可以更早并有针对性地制定改进措施。

    §  整体方法:IMS通过将产品质量、环境影响和职业安全等所有相关方面汇总在一个体系中,使公司绩效得以全面评估。通过关注“大局”,可以更好地利用协同效应。


    §  :在开始实施之前,您应当问自己“我们希望通过IMS实现什么?”您是否希望提高效率?降低事故或合规风险?改善环境和能源绩效?或者将之前分别处理的多个问题整合管理?一切皆有可能——您决定旅程将带您去向何方以及经历哪些阶段。

    §  于什么位置?当前的流程、现有的管理体系、优势、劣势、机会、风险——分析您当前的现状,以创建一个坚实的基础。

    §  建立任和能力:一方面,管理层/高管需要提供资源并传达IMS的重要性。另一方面,实施责任人需要具备适当的专业知识。因此,必须在必要时建立专业知识。

    §  :有许多不同的国际ISO标准、规范和法规。选择那些符合您要求的标准,然后开发相应的流程和指南,以支持先前定义的IMS目标。

    §  提高意:确保每个人都被告知IMS项目,并了解其好处以及每个人可以贡献的内容。将受影响者转变为参与者!

    §  控:为了确保一切顺利进行——不仅仅是今天,还有明天和后天——持续识别改进机会非常重要。

    §  认证:如果您正在寻求管理体系的认证,您将获得外部第三方对体系流程的透明证明。这促进了市场的信任并创造了透明度。同时,amjs澳金沙门作为供应链要求或其他方面的重要证明得到认可。

    Quality Austria是面向未来的一体化管理体系的市场领导者。通过所有员工的个人承诺和领先的专业知识,我们伴随并支持客户以最高的诚信度走向可持续成功的道路。而每一条成功的道路都是不同的。




    12. Sept 2024

    Everything you need to know about IMS

    Why Integrated Management Systems create purpose

    Companies are constantly looking for ways to optimize operations, become more efficient and at the same time not only fulfil but exceed their responsibilities towards the environment, society and stakeholders. The concept of an Integrated Management System (IMS) has proven to be particularly valuable in this aspect.

    Integrated Management System (IMS) - what is it?

    An IMS is a structured approach that enables companies of any size and in any industry to combine various standards or existing management systems into a single system. Typically, this can be the integration of quality (ISO 9001), environmental (ISO 14001) or occupational health and safety management (ISO 45001). However, more "specific" management systems, such as for information security (ISO 27001) or compliance management (ISO 37301), can also be easily combined due to the similar structure of the requirements.

    Most of the most common ISO standards have a similar structure - the so-called "High Level Structure" (HLS) or, since 2021, the "Harmonized Structure". With this cross-standard structure or similar structure, management systems can be expanded or integrated with new topics even better or more easily, depending on the industry, company size and objectives.

    Benefits and advantages of an Integrated Management System

    The advantages of an IMS include:

    • Less effort: Goals, processes and structures are often already similar. Bundling different business priorities and aspects into one system saves resources, increases efficiency and reduces the complexity of processes.
    • Continuous improvement: By combining data and processes and viewing them as part of the bigger picture, weak points can be recognized more easily and, above all, more quickly. Measures for improvement can thus be derived earlier and in a targeted manner.
    • Holistic approach: An IMS enables a comprehensive assessment of a company's performance by summarizing all relevant aspects such as product quality, environmental impact and occupational safety in one system. By looking at the "big picture", synergies can be better utilized.

    The path to IMS

    • Define goals: Before you start with the implementation, you should ask yourself "What do we want to achieve with an IMS?". Do you want to increase efficiency? Minimize accident or compliance risks? Improve environmental and energy performance? Or manage several issues, that were previously addressed individually, in an integrated manner? Anything is possible - you decide where the journey takes you and which stages you go through.
    • Where do you stand? Current processes, existing management systems, strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, risks - analyze your current status quo to create a solid basis.
    • Establish responsibilities and competences: On the one hand, upper management/executives are required to provide resources and communicate     the importance of an IMS. On the other hand, it is important that the people responsible for implementation are available and have the      appropriate expertise at their disposal. Expertise must therefore be built up where necessary.
    • Define topics: There are many different international ISO standards, norms and regulations. Select those that match your requirements and then develop corresponding processes and guidelines that support the previously defined objectives of the IMS.
    • Create awareness: Make sure that everyone is informed about the IMS project and understands what it is good for and what each individual can contribute. Turn those affected into participants!
    • Monitoring: To ensure that everything runs smoothly - not only today, but also tomorrow and the day after tomorrow - it is important to continuously identify opportunities for improvement.
    • Certification: If you are seeking certification for your management system, you will receive transparent proof of your systematic processes from external third parties. This promotes trust in the market and creates transparency. At the same time, a certificate is recognised as important proof of requirements or supply chains, for example.

    Quality Austria is the market leader for future-orientated Integrated Management Systems. With the personal commitment of all employees and leading expertise, we accompany and support customers with the highest level of integrity on their path to sustainable success. And every path to success is different.

    Contact us if you would like to start or intensify the topic of IMS.

    We equip you with the necessary expertise so that you can take the lead in implementing the system in your company.



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