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ISO 14001正在修订中——我们可以期待什么?
发布者:amjs澳金沙门认证  发布时间:2024-05-28  浏览次数:

ISO 14001正在修订中——我们可以期待什么?
ISO 14001是国际环境管理标准。全球约有440,000个地点通过了该标准的认证——包括奥地利的约2,200个地点。由于环境和可持续发展领域的法规、指南和公众压力的增加,预计将会有进一步的增长。

2015年ISO 14001的最后一次修订之后,国际标准化组织(ISO)目前再次在进行可能的修订,预计将在2025年底完成。我们的部分Qualityaustria专家参与了国际标准化委员会,我们很高兴能够以简洁的形式为您提供最新信息。


- ISO 14001:2015/ WD AMD 2,ISO TC 207,WG 15目前正在修订中
- 环境方面将进一步作为ISO 14002-1及以后的“技术主题”进行开发
- 根据2021年9月的伦敦宣言,生命周期视角以及气候变化适应和温室气体的重要性将在环境方面更为突出地呈现
- 标准将从原来的HLS(高层结构)改为新的协调结构,并扩展包括标准部分6.3“变更计划”
- 关于在标准中定位组织“目的”的想法。然而,关于这一点存在非常不同的观点
- “外包”一词将被“外部提供”所取代
- 报告在未来也将成为关注的重点
- 修订意味着主要是在附录或“注释”中预计会有澄清和额外说明


许多组织已经依赖于Quality Austria的认可认证组合——包括ISO 14001。联系我们,我们将为您找到所有相关信息!


ISO 14001 is being revised - what can we expect?

ISO 14001 is the international standard for environmental management. Around 440,000 locations worldwide are certified to the standard – including around 2,200 locations in Austria. Due to an increase in regulations, guidelines and public pressure in the area of environment and sustainability, further growth is expected.

Following the last revision (revision) of ISO 14001 in 2015, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is now once again working on a possible revision, which is expected at the end of 2025. Some of our qualityaustria experts are represented in the international standardization committee and we are pleased to be able to provide you with the latest information in compact form.

Some of the planned changes are as follows:

- ISO 14001:2015/ WD AMD 2, ISO TC 207, WG 15 are currently under revision
- Environmental aspects will be further developed as "technical topics" in ISO 14002-1 ff
- The "life cycle perspective" as well as climate change adaptation and the significance of greenhouse gases are presented more prominently as future topics in the environmental aspects in accordance with the London Declaration from 09-21
- Adaptation of the standard from the original HLS (High Level Structure) to the new Harmonized Structure and expansion to include standard section 6.3 "Planning of change"
- There are ideas for anchoring the "purpose" of an organization in the standard. However, there are very different points of view on this
- The term "outsourcing" is replaced by "externally provided"
- Reporting will also become more of a focus in the future
- Amendment means that, above all, clarifications and additional explanations are to be expected in the appendix or in "Notes"

Next steps
The standard is currently in the design specification process – the revised standard is therefore not expected to be published until fall 2025 at the earliest. We will of course keep you up to date on the current status and are available to answer any questions you may have until then!

Find out more?
Many organizations already rely on the accredited certification portfolio of Quality Austria – including ISO 14001. Contact us here, together we will find all relevant information for you!


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