■ amjs澳金沙门 汽车行业的里程碑
1990 成为IQNET(国际认证机构联盟)创始成员,进入IQNET最高管理层amjs澳金沙门代表担任IQNET副总裁
1996 得到VDA-QMC授权,发出全球第一张VDA6.1amjs澳金沙门
1999 核发VDA6.2和VDA6.4amjs澳金沙门
1999 第一批被IATF授权认可为ISO/TS16949认证机构
2000 amjs澳金沙门发出全亚洲第一张ISO/TS16949:1999amjs澳金沙门
2001 第一批被IATF授权认可为ISO/TS16949:2002认证机构
2001 amjs澳金沙门发出全亚洲玻璃制品行业第一张ISO/TS16949amjs澳金沙门
2003 amjs澳金沙门发出国内第一张ISO/TS16949:2002amjs澳金沙门
2003 通过CNCA认监委的备案批准
2003 上海amjs澳金沙门公司成为amjs澳金沙门亚太总部
■ 汽车行业业绩
近代工业的发展过程中,由于人类过度追求经济增长速度而忽略环境的重要性,导致水土流失、土地沙漠化、水体污染、空气质量下降、全球气候反常、臭氧层耗竭、生态环境严重破坏 …… 环境问题已成为制约经济发展和人类生存的重要因素。
2.ISO 14001:2004标准特点
● 注重体系的完整性,是一套科学的环境管理软件
● 强调对法律法规的符合性,但对环境行为不作具体规定
● 要求对组织的活动进行全过程控制
● 广泛适用于各类组织
● 与ISO9001标准有很强的兼容性
● 满足政府法律要求,获取国际贸易的"绿色通行证"
● 增强企业竞争力,扩大市场份额
● 树立优秀企业形象
● 改进产品性能,制造"绿色产品"
● 改革工艺设备,优化成本,实现节能降耗
● 污染预防,环境保护
● 避免因环境问题所造成的经济损失
● 提高员工环保素质
● 提高企业内部管理水平,降低管理成本
● 减少环境风险,实现企业永续经营
● 它规定了EMS的要求,而该EMS拟适用于任何类型与规模的组织,并适用于各种地理、文化和社会条件。
● 在管理对象上,它适用于那些可为组织所控制,以及可能希望组织对其施加影响的因素。
● 提供增值审核,让改善看得见
● 专业的审核团队,长期的知识共享
● 一体化现场审核,最优化的服务模式
● 完善的客户服务体系,持续满足客户需求
ISO45001:2018职业健康及安全管理体系 ——展现您企业可持续发展的能力!
ISO45001:2018规定了建立有效的职业健康和安全体系所需达到的要求。在过去“计划、实施、检查、行动”的原则基础上,ISO45001:2018著重如何提高管理水平并减少风险。 认证基于ISO45001:2018的管理体系,可以向您的雇员、客户、利益相关方和社会展现公司的责任感,因为该体系将确保您的公司在能力所及的范围内,尽可能降低健康和安全的风险。同时,一个真正有效的管理体系还将为您带来许多利益,例如帮助您减少停工期、帮助您提高员工的动力、效率和生产能力以及确保一个健康的安全底线。
通过整合管理体系以增加公司利润。整合管理体系将发挥公司的无限潜力,增加公司的利润并提高效率。整合性的管理体系正在迅速成为进行全球贸易、巩固伙伴关系和保持客户忠诚度的必备条件。它们使您的公司各部门在共同目标下整合为一体,同时促进公司全面均衡的发展。在最少影响公司业务活动的情况下,amjs澳金沙门的整合审核服务的主旨在帮助公司以最佳的效益来取得诸多管理体系的认证标准。因此,如果您希望在TS16949、环境(ISO 14001)、质量(ISO 9001)或职业健康和安全(ISO45001:2018)方面制定全面的管理方案,我们可以帮助您实现。我们拥有一群具有丰富知识和技能的专家为您提供服务。
■ AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110(航空、航天和国防行业)
AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 是全球公认的航空航天行业质量标准。缩写 AS、EN 和 JISQ 分别代表该标准在美国、欧洲和日本的国家版本(AS = 美国,EN = 欧洲,JISQ = 日本)。
EN 9100 系列的所有标准均基于 ISO 9001 的高阶结构(HLS),并规定了航空、航天和国防行业的附加要求。
· EN 9100:适用于设计、开发或提供航空、航天和国防产品及服务的组织的质量管理标准
· EN 9110:适用于提供维护服务的组织的质量管理标准
通过满足 AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 的要求,组织可以展示其对质量、安全和可靠性的承诺。
此外,获得认证的组织将被列入 IAQG 国际数据库。被列入 OASIS 数据库越来越被视为获得客户新供应商批准的前提条件。
· 航空航天行业的整个供应链,即所有类型产品和服务的直接和间接供应商
· 维修企业
审核由获得 IAQG(国际航空航天质量组织)批准的有经验的航空航天审核员根据相应的国际适用要求执行。
在奥地利,认证由奥地利航空工业协会(AAIG)批准,AAIG 是 IAQG 的国家机构。
· 过程导向
· 基于分析和评估的风险管理
· 配置管理
· 设计与开发(验证 / 确认 / 测试)
· 生产和服务提供(文件化 / 控制 / 变更)
· 检验与测试文件
· 首件检验
Quality Austria Certification GmbH 获得奥地利数字与经济事务联邦部(BMDW)和 AAIG(IAQG)认可,并在 OASIS 数据库中正式注册。
Quality Austria Certification GmbH 是奥地利首家获得航空航天行业认证资格的认证机构。
■ AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 (Aviation, Space and Defense Industries)
Motivation and benefits
AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 is the worldwide recognized quality standard in the aerospace industry. The abbreviations AS, EN and JISQ indicate the respective national editions of the standard (AS = America, EN = Europe, JISQ = Japan).
All standards in the EN 9100 family are based on the High Level Structure (HLS) of ISO 9001 and specify additional aviation, space and defense industry requirements.
A distinction is made between the following models:
· EN 9100: Quality Management standard that is intended for use by organizations that design, develop, or provide aviation, space and defense products and services
· EN 9110: Quality Management standard for organizations providing maintenance
By meeting the requirements of AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to quality, safety and reliability.
Successful certification by an independent body not only provides objective evidence of compliance, but also builds up trust among customers. Furthermore, certified organizations are included in the IAQG international database. Listing in the OASIS database is increasingly considered a prerequisite for being approved as a new supplier to customers.
· Avoidance of multiple auditing by reducing the number of audits (e.g. by clients)
· Optimization of the entire organization
· Strategic business planning, customer focus
· Further development of the improvement process
· Secured project management, ensuring start of production and absolute process control
· Reduction of variation and wastage in the supply chain
· Optimization of the value chain
· Risk minimization by applying systematic methods
· Avoidance of multiple auditing by reducing the number of audits (e.g. by clients)
· Optimization of the entire organization
· Strategic business planning, customer focus
· Further development of the improvement process
· Secured project management, ensuring start of production and absolute process control
· Reduction of variation and wastage in the supply chain
· Optimization of the value chain
· Risk minimization by applying systematic methods
Target group
· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types
· Maintenance companies
· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types
· Maintenance companies
· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types
· Maintenance companies
· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types
· Maintenance companies
The audits are performed by experienced aerospace auditors approved by the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) on the basis of the respective internationally applicable requirements. In Austria, approval is granted by the Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAIG), which is the IAQG national body.
After positive completion of the audit, the respective certificate will be issued. Some focal points are, for example:
· process orientation
· risk management based on analysis and evaluation
· configuration management
· design and development (verification / validation / test)
· production and service provision (documentation / control / change)
· inspection and test documentation
· first article inspection
The audits are performed by experienced aerospace auditors approved by the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) on the basis of the respective internationally applicable requirements. In Austria, approval is granted by the Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAIG), which is the IAQG national body.
After positive completion of the audit, the respective certificate will be issued. Some focal points are, for example:
· process orientation
· risk management based on analysis and evaluation
· configuration management
· design and development (verification / validation / test)
· production and service provision (documentation / control / change)
· inspection and test documentation
· first article inspection
Quality Austria Certification GmbH is accredited by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and AAIG (IAQG) and is officially recognized in the OASIS database.
Quality Austria Certification GmbH is the first approved certification body in Austria to be accredited for the aerospace industry.
■ISO 14064 温室气体量化与核查体系
依据 ISO 14064 第 1 部分与第 2 部分进行认证,可以使企业在组织或项目层面验证其温室气体排放情况,并改进温室气体清单。
通过 Quality Austria 审核员进行的核查或验证,可确保评估与报告的独立性。
ISO 14064 标准包含三部分:
· 第 1 部分:规定了设计、开发和管理组织层面温室气体清单的要求
· 第 2 部分:规定了项目层面温室气体排放和减排的量化、监测与报告要求
· 第 3 部分:规定了温室气体信息验证、确认与认证的要求和指南
实施 ISO 14064 可带来如下优势:
· 欧盟可持续分类法规(EU Taxonomy Regulation)在气候变化相关情境中引用了 ISO 14064
· 越来越多的企业要求其供应商提供温室气体清单
· 未来基于企业可持续报告指令(CSRD)的欧盟报告要求,将要求在 ESRS E1 标准中全面披露温室气体排放信息
· 有助于识别与温室气体相关的风险
· 温室气体清单是对 ISO 14001 或 ISO 50001 管理体系的良好补充,有助于系统性地管理与监测温室气体
· 有助于战略规划与投资规划
· 针对未来报告要求,温室气体清单能提供额外信息支持
· 针对基于欧盟分类法的未来融资要求,温室气体清单将成为重要的信息基础
· 提升利益相关方的信任度
· 编制温室气体清单
· 准备温室气体报告或温室气体项目计划
· 监测与减少温室气体排放
工业、商业及服务领域的公司与组织,特别是依据欧盟可持续分类法规进行可持续经济活动的企业,以及员工超过 250 人、现已或将来需遵守 CSRD 报告与审核义务的大型企业。
ISO 14064-1(组织层面)要求包括:
· 确定重大性、目标和组织/报告的边界
· 定义风险评估与不确定性
· 量化温室气体排放、封存与移除
· 数据选择与收集
· 选择温室气体量化模型,包括对不确定性或准确性的评估
· 数据计算
· 减排活动 / 举措
· 温室气体清单的质量管理
· 温室气体信息报告
ISO 14064-2(项目层面):
对于第 2 部分项目层面的温室气体清单,通常也需采用类似的结构化方法。特别需要明确并记录假设和外推的依据。建议在项目实施后进行事后核查,以验证假设的准确性。
■ISO 14064 Greenhouse Gas Balancing and Verification
Motivation and benefits
Climate protection is at the top of the international and national political agenda. More and more companies are accounting for their direct and indirect greenhouse gases (GHG) to have a baseline for a possible roadmap to reduce GHG up to the goal of climate neutrality and to ensure continual improvement and monitoring of their developments.
A certification according to ISO 14064 Part 1 and 2 allows companies to verify their GHG emissions and improve their GHG inventory at an organizational or project level.
Verification or validation by qualityaustria auditors ensures the independence of assessments and reports.
he ISO 14064 Standard comprises three parts:
Part 1 specifies the requirements for designing, developing and managing organization-level GHG inventories.
Part 2 contains requirements for quantifying, monitoring and reporting of GHG emissions and reductions at project level.
Part 3 details requirements and guidelines for conducting validation, verification and certification of GHG information.
The implementation of ISO 14064 can provide the following benefits:
· The EU Taxonomy Regulation refers to ISO 14064 in the context of climate change.
· Increasingly, companies are asking their suppliers for GHG inventories.
· In the future, EU reporting requirements based on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), GHG emissions are to be comprehensively presented in the ESRS E1 Standard.
· Identification of GHG-related risks.
· The GHG inventory is a good systematic approach to complement ISO 14001 or ISO 50001 for managing and monitoring GHG.The GHG inventory promotes the strategic planning and investment planning.
· With regard to future reporting requirements, a GHG inventory ensures additional information.
· With regard to future financing based on the EU Taxonomy Regulation, the GHG inventory will be an important information requirement.
· The confidence of interested parties will be increased.
· Preparation of a GHG inventory
· Preparation of a GHG report or GHG project plan
· Monitoring and reduction of GHG emissions
· Preparation of a GHG inventory
· Preparation of a GHG report or GHG project plan
· Monitoring and reduction of GHG emissions
Target group
Companies and organizations from the industry, the commercial and service sectors, as well as companies subject to sustainable economic activities as stated in the EU Taxonomy Regulation and large companies with more than 250 employees that fall or will fall in the future under the CSRD reporting and auditing obligations.
Companies and organizations from the industry, the commercial and service sectors, as well as companies subject to sustainable economic activities as stated in the EU Taxonomy Regulation and large companies with more than 250 employees that fall or will fall in the future under the CSRD reporting and auditing obligations.
ISO 14064-1 (organizational level) requires the following:
· Establishment of materiality, objectives and inventory boundaries for the organization and the report
· Definition of risk assessments as well as uncertainties
· Quantification of GHG emissions, storage and removal
· Data selection and collection
· Selection of the GHG quantification models, including an assessment of uncertainties or accuracy
· Data calculation
· Reduction activities / initiatives
· GHG inventory quality management
· GHG reporting
ISO 14064-2 (project level):
For ISO 14064-2 at project level, a similar approach as above should generally be adopted. For inventories of projects, the definition and documentation of assumptions and extrapolations are critical. It is recommended to perform an ex post verification after the implementation of the project, to review the accuracy of assumption.
■VDA6.4- 汽车生产设备供应商的质量管理
■VDA6.2- 汽车工业服务供应商质量管理
■通信行业:TL 9000
TL 9000 是全球信息与通信技术(ICT)行业的质量管理标准。
· 降低产品生命周期管理、审核、供应商管理费用及整体运营成本
· 提升制造与服务过程的绩效、生产力及流程与产品的可靠性
· 加强生命周期管理及供应链效率
· 改善员工团队合作能力
· 提高外部审核及现场访问的效率
· 确保运营一致性
· 可量化绩效结果
· 帮助企业接触更广泛的客户群
· 增强市场竞争力
· 改进客户服务与整体满意度
· 建立收集与衡量质量和绩效数据的方法
· 通过聚焦于缩短周期时间、按时交付、退货率、可靠性及缺陷消除,展示对产品质量和客户价值的承诺
· 展示公司对持续改进的责任感与专注
· 有助于构建更牢固的客户/供应商关系
1998 年,TIA-BPC 商业绩效委员会(前身为 QuEST 论坛)开发了 TL 9000 质量管理体系,以满足全球通信行业供应链的质量要求。TL 9000 的设立旨在实现以下目标:
· 建立并维护一套统一的通信行业质量管理体系要求,从而减少该行业使用的标准数量
· 推动一个能够保护通信产品硬件、软件和服务完整性与可用性的系统
· 制定基于成本与绩效的有效测量指标,以指导改进进程并评估 QMS 实施成果
· 推动持续改进,增强客户关系
· 利用行业一致性评估流程
因此,TL 9000 是一个由管理要求和测量指标组成的双重质量管理系统。TL 9000 注册组织需符合以下要求:
· ISO 9001 国际标准中的所有要求条款
· 适用于所有注册组织的通用通信行业要求
· 针对硬件、软件和/或服务注册的通信行业特定要求
· 适用于所有产品类别的通用通信行业测量要求
· 针对特定硬件、软件和/或服务产品类别的通信行业测量要求
TL 9000 要求手册(Requirements Handbook)和测量手册(Measurements Handbook)对上述管理体系的各个方面提供了详尽说明。
TL 9000 质量管理体系要求组织持续改进其产品、服务或流程。为确保体系有效性并提供绩效基准,TL 9000 允许组织通过在线注册信息系统(RRS)输入其注册信息,并通过 TIA-BPC 网站访问可用于对标的数据和行业趋势报告。
TL 9000 的注册已被证实对服务提供方与供应商均有益。来自会员企业的案例研究和反馈显示,该体系可带来以下成效:
· 质量成本节省达 20%
· 准时交付率提高 40%
· 采购周期缩短 80%
· 首年退货率下降 25%
Quality Austria Certification GmbH 自 2001 年起即依据奥地利联邦公报第 182 号法规获得 TL 9000 认证资格,是德语区欧洲国家中最早获得该资质的认证机构。
■Telecommunication: TL 9000
Motivation and benefits
TL 9000 is the worldwide standard for ICT – Information & Communication Technology-industry.
Operational Benefits
· Decreases costs of product life cycle management, audits, supplier management expenses, and general operations
· Delivers improvements in performance in manufacturing and service, productivity as well as reliability of processes and production
· Enhances life-cycle management and supply chain efficiencies
· Improves employee teamwork
· Increases the efficiency of external audits and site visits
· Ensures operational consistency
· Quantifies performance results
Customer Relationship Benefits
· Provides access to a greater customer base
· Enhances competitive position
· Improves customer service and overall satisfaction
· Establishes a method to gather and measure quality and performance data
· Demonstrates a commitment to product quality and customer value through focus on cycle-time reductions; on-time deliveries; return rates; reliability; and defect elimination
· Demonstrates the company’s accountability and focus on continual improvement
· Enables the development of stronger customer/supplier relationships
In 1998, TIA-BPC Business Performance Community (formerly QuEST-Forum) developed the TL 9000 Quality Management System to meet the supply chain quality requirements of the worldwide telecommunications industry. TL 9000 is set out to achieve the following goals:
· Establish and maintain a common set of telecom QMS requirements, which reduces the number of standards for the industry
· Foster a system that protects the integrity and use of telecom products hardware, software and services
· Define effective cost and performance-based measurements to guide progress and evaluate the results of QMS implementation
· Drive continual improvement and enhance customer relationships
· Leverage the industry conformity assessment process
In 1998, TIA-BPC Business Performance Community (formerly QuEST-Forum) developed the TL 9000 Quality Management System to meet the supply chain quality requirements of the worldwide telecommunications industry. TL 9000 is set out to achieve the following goals:
· Establish and maintain a common set of telecom QMS requirements, which reduces the number of standards for the industry
· Foster a system that protects the integrity and use of telecom products hardware, software and services
· Define effective cost and performance-based measurements to guide progress and evaluate the results of QMS implementation
· Drive continual improvement and enhance customer relationships
· Leverage the industry conformity assessment process
As a result, the TL 9000 is a two-part quality system with significant management and measurement components.
In particular, TL 9000 registered organizations are required to comply with:
· All requirements clauses of the international Standard ISO 9001
· Common telecom-specific requirements that apply to all registrations
· Telecom-specific requirements that apply to hardware, software and/or service registrations
· Common telecom industry measurements that apply in all product categories
· Telecom industry measurements that apply in certain product categories specific to hardware, software and/ or services
The TL 9000 Requirements Handbook and Measurements Handbook provide exhaustive information on both aspects of this quality management system.
The TL 9000 Quality Management System requires an organization to engage in continual improvement of products, services or processes. To ensure effectiveness and provide a performance baseline, TL 9000 enables organizations to input company TL 9000 registration information through the online Registration Repository System (RRS), and access benchmarkable data and industry trend reports through the TIA-BPC website.
Registration to TL 9000 has proven beneficial to both service providers and suppliers. Testimonials and case studies from member companies cite improvements such as a 20% savings in cost of quality; a 40% improvement in on-time deliveries; an 80% reduction in procurement cycle time; and 25% reduction in first year return rates.
Quality Austria Certification GmbH obtained the TL 9000 accreditation in a very early beginning phase since 2001 acc. to the Federal Law Gazette, 182nd Regulation and was the first in the German speaking area in Europe.
SA8000即“社会责任标准”,是Social Accountability 8000的英文简称,是全球首个道德规范国际标准。其宗旨是确保供应商所供应的产品,皆符合社会责任标准的要求。SA8000标准适用于世界各地,任何行业,不同规模的公司。其依据与ISO9000质量管理体系及ISO14000环境管理体系一样,皆为一套可被第三方认证机构审核之国际标准。
EN15085是一套针对轨道车辆和车辆部件的焊接认证体系,在交通轨道行业广泛流行。 标准名称:轨道应用—轨道车辆和车辆部件的焊接认证体系 (Railway applications-Welding of railway vehicles and components)。 EN15085系列标准自2008年4月起在德国正式开始执行,此标准是针对轨道交通和车辆部件的焊接的认证体系,该标准目前已经逐步取代原德国DIN6700系列标准。目前随着我国轨道交通事业的发展,我国的轨道事业相关企业出口产品日益增加,通过此类标准体系的认证是我国轨道车辆和车辆部件企业出口到欧盟国家必备的条件。
■焊接技术认证(welding technology )ISO 3834-2
The ISO 3834 (former EN 729) series of standards defines quality requirements for manufacturers of welded components and weldment.
The standard regulates quality requirements for welding operations and defines quality assurance principles for welded products. It encompasses both mass production and piece production in all manufacturing areas of such as pipeline construction, container and apparatus engineering, household and agricultural machinery, cranes, bridges and other welded components.
The standard ISO 3834 replaces the previous norm EN 729.
Motivation and benefits
Control over the defined quality of a product and its manufacturing process
Better use of human, technical and organizational resources
Reduction of rejects, rectification or overtime
Increased competitive ability
Fulfillment of requirements for the exchange of goods or for the circulation of welded products
Increased customer satisfaction
■医疗器械:ISO 13485 认证
ISO 13485 是一项国际标准,为医疗器械制造商建立和验证有效的质量管理体系提供依据。该标准适用于所有处于供应链中的组织,或参与依据相关欧盟法规(医疗器械法规 MDR 和体外诊断医疗器械法规 IVDR)将产品投放市场的组织。
ISO 13485 是落实欧洲法规(如 MDR、IVDR)中系统要求的重要标准。不仅在欧洲,在全球范围内,从事医疗器械业务的经济运营者,依据该标准进行认证都具有重要意义。
在欧洲法规规定的 MDR 和 IVDR 合规评审程序中(依据第10条),展示符合要求的质量管理体系是取得注册资格和投放市场(即获得 CE 标志)的前提条件。由于部分系统要求的法规并未规定具体执行细节,因此 ISO 13485 在实践中仍必须被采用。
ISO 13485 的若干要素与其他管理体系标准(尤其是 ISO 9001)一致。该标准特别强调法律合规,并在体系中引入依据 ISO 14971 的风险管理方法。
· 确保质量、透明度、安全性与保障性
· 识别业务及产品风险
· 医疗器械注册的重要前提条件
ISO 13485 的应用特别适用于希望构建目标明确、逻辑清晰、集成度高的管理体系的组织。组织需在医疗器械的管理体系中,满足所有适用的法律法规要求,尤其是产品安全相关要求。
除了 ISO 9001 的评估标准外,还需要满足风险管理相关要求。此外,还需符合关于无菌医疗产品和可植入有源医疗产品的特殊要求。内部与外部审核将为体系的持续改进与合规性提供支持。
■Medical Devices: Certification acc. to ISO 13485
Motivation and benefits
ISO 13485 provides an international standard for enabling manufacturers of medical devices to substantiate an effective quality management system. This standard refers to all organizations that are operating within the supply chain or are involved in placing devices regulated by the relevant EU regulations for medical devices and in-vitro diagnostics on the market.
ISO 13485 is an important standard for the implementation of system requirements according to regulations in Europe (MDR, IVDR). Certification according to this standard is substantial for economic operators in the business of medical devices not only in Europe but also internationally.
The standard establishes requirements for all types of medical devices, which also include services and software. The medical devices range from sterile to non-sterile, invasive to non-invasive as well as non-active to active implants.
In the course of the conformity review procedures required in Europe for MDR and IVDR according to article 10, demonstration of a quality management system is an important prerequisite for obtaining registration and thus the right to sell medical devices in Europe or to place them on the market (CE marking). As the regulations of some system requirements don‘t include further details for the implementation, ISO 13485 still needs to be used in practice.
ISO 13485 has some features that are congruent with those of other management systems, especially ISO 9001. A focus is placed on complying with laws relevant to quality in the introduction of a risk management acc. to ISO 14971.
The advantages for organizations do not only include the registration aspects but also transparency of the organizations’ own performance, operations following defined processes and the fact that the organization is made aware of legal changes. Furthermore, effective actions for risk management can help to minimize and thus control risks in connection with the devices concerned.
· assuring quality, transparency, safety and security
· identifying business and product risks
· important prerequisite for the registration of medical devices
· assuring quality, transparency, safety and security
· identifying business and product risks
· important prerequisite for the registration of medical devices
Target group
Any organization developing and manufacturing medical devices and placing them on the market as well as organizations that are suppliers or service providers to such organizations.
Any organization developing and manufacturing medical devices and placing them on the market as well as organizations that are suppliers or service providers to such organizations.
Application of ISO 13485 is particularly conceived for organizations striving for a management system that is wellaimed, more conclusive and more integrated. In this respect, the organization needs to meet all the applicable and legal requirements in connection with product safety in the organization’s management systems for medical devices. In addition to the criteria for ISO 9001, requirements relating to risk management will have to be met. Moreover, special requirements placed on sterile medical products and medical products that can be implanted actively will have to be met. Internal and external audits are to provide relevant support.
BRC 是British Retail Consortium缩写,中文为英国零售商协会。该协会由英国著名的Asda, Boots, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Iceland,. Littlewood’s, Safeway, Waitrose, Somerfield, Co-operative Society, Spar等零售商组成。1998年,英国零售商协会(BRC,British Retail Consortium)应行业发展需要,发起并制定了BRC食品技术标准(BRC Food Technical Standard),用以对零售商自有品牌食品的制造商进行评估。该标准发布不久,即引起食品行业及其他组织的关注,目前已经成为食品行业良好操作规范的样本。该标准在英国乃至其他国家的广泛应用使其发展成为一个国际性标准。不仅食品企业需要做BRC认证,消费品企业和食品包装企业也需要做BRC认证。
■ISO/TS22163:2017 国际铁路行业质量管理体系认证
ISO/TS22163:2017,它是一套铁路行业质量管理体系标准,是铁路行业的质量评估(管理)体系。它是在ISO 9001:2000的基础上,针对铁路行业的特殊要求而由欧洲铁路联盟于2006年5月18日发布实施的(第0版),和航天(AS9100),汽车(ISO/TS16949)、食品工业(ISO22000)中等相似的标准,试图发展成为一个国际认可的标准。此标准包括真实的评估过程以及审核和计分原则。
第一版已于2007年11月发布, 2008年1月1日起开始实施。第二版根据ISO 9001:2008进行了修正,2009年开始实施。
The certification system for sustainable forest management PEFC (Pan European Forest Certification) is based on international resolutions that were adopted by 37 nations in the pan-European Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) (Helsinki 1993, Lisbon 1998).
The utmost goal of PEFC is the documentation and improvement of sustainable forest management particularly with regard to economic, ecological and social standards.
Governing Bodies
26 national PEFC governing bodies are members of the PEFCC (Pan European Forest Certification Council). In addition to 16 European countries, Canada is represented by the Canadian Standards Association and USA by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and American Tree Farm System.
The PEFC is also supported by the following extraordinary members from the following lumber industry, timber trade and landowners associations:
FEBO - The European Timber Trade/ Retailers Association
FEBO - The European Timber Trade/ Retailers Association
CEI Bois - European Confederation of Woodworking Industries
ELO - European Landowners Organisation
CEPF - Confederation of European Forest Owners
UEF - Union of European Foresters
FECOF - European Federation of Community Forests
USSE - Union of Foresters of Southern Europe
ENFE - European Network of Forest Entrepreneurs
Motivation and benefits
Use of the PEFC logo - a credible chain of custody certification
Excellent marketing instrument
Increased customer satisfaction due to assessment from independent evaluators
Prevention of use of products causing lasting damage (biocides)
Improved quality of forest population
Cost savings potential with the process costs of logging
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