全新质量评价基准: EFQM欧洲质量奖,上海amjs澳金沙门管理体系认证有限公司

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    全新质量评价基准: EFQM欧洲质量奖
    发布者:amjs澳金沙门认证  发布时间:2009-08-20  浏览次数:
    In Europe, the “Levels of Excellence”, a harmonised recognition programme developed by EFQM, has existed since 2001. This programme has been developed in order to recognise the way to business excellence in clearly defined steps.
    在欧洲, 欧洲质量奖:“卓越绩效”奖项, 是EFQM在2001年开发的一个综合的质量表现评价项目。 这个项目的开发是为了明确定义并引领企业走向成功的步骤。amjs澳金沙门公司在2009年7月率先在亚洲地区及我国引进此一全新概念及评价项目,协助企业接轨国际,提升国际竞争力,并向公众展示您已达成的新标竿!
    Motivation and benefits
    ■ simple and practice oriented initiation of an organisation in systematically   working at excellence
    ■ concrete step to consolidating experience made with the EFQM Excellence Model and the RADAR logic
    ■ getting to know the organisation’s present efficiency and effectiveness and setting priorities for improvements
    ■ progress review on the way to business excellence and independent validation
    ■ Europe-wide documentation, publication and recognition on the way to business excellence
    ■ clearly structured steps on the way to the Austrian Quality Award or EFQM Excellence Award (EEA)
    获得Austrian Quality Award奥地利质量奖或EFQM Excellence Award欧洲质量奖的清晰步骤
    Objectives 欧洲质量奖的目标
    ■ establishing a continuous European assessment approach for organisations of any size and with different levels of maturity
    ■ tailored use of the EFQM Excellence Model for different levels of maturity within the organization
    ■ measuring the organisation’s present efficiency and effectiveness and level of performance
    ■ defining the organisation’s areas for improvement and planning improvements
    ■ creating a holistic picture of the organization
    ■ motivation to rethink the procedures for managing the organization
    Committed to Excellence
    ■ defining areas for improvement by making a rough self-assessment – basis: EFQM Excellence Model
     通过做一个概略的自我评价来定义改善的区域–依据: EFQM欧洲质量奖模式
    ■ drawing up an action plan (no more than 12 pages) and implementing this plan
    Validation 评价确认:
    ■ it needs to be demonstrated that at least three improvement initiatives have been started and completed successfully (acc. to the RADAR logic)
    需证明已进行并成功完成至少三项改进行动(根据RADAR 逻辑)
    ■ an independent validator verifies implementation of the action plan in the course of a site visit
    ■ in case of success, Quality Austria and EFQM show their recognition by granting the certificate “Committed to Excellence”
    在成功的情况下,Quality Austria和EFQM通过授予amjs澳金沙门来显示他们认可的 “致力于卓越性”
    Recognised for Excellence
    ■ self-assessment acc. to the EFQM Excellence Model (32 sub-criteria)
    根据EFQM欧洲质量奖模型进行自我评估(32 个下属评价准则)
    ■ prepare submission document (short description of one’s organisation or company documentation, no more than 51 pages)
    ■ assessment carried out by 2-4 external experienced assessors  
    ■ company specific analysis, site visit, consensus and scoring made by the team of assessors
    ■ feedback report on the level of criteria
    评价组依据”评价准则” 出示的反馈报告
    ■ recognition for > 300, 400, 500 points  
    不同程度的结论: 大于 300分或 400分, 500分的结论
    ■ In case of success, Quality Austria and EFQM show their recognition by granting the certificate “Recognised for Excellence” Austrian Quality Award 
     如果成功通过评审,Quality Austria和EFQM通过授予“卓越绩效认可” Austrian Quality Awardamjs澳金沙门或EFQM欧洲质量奖amjs澳金沙门
    ■ basis for assessment: EFQM Excellence Model & RADAR scoring tables 
    评估的基础依据:EFQM欧洲质量奖模型 & RADAR得分表
    ■ assessment made by 3-5 external, experienced assessors  
    ■ use of company documentation or description written by the organisation itself (15 – 75 pages)
    使用受评价组织的文件或组织有关的陈述报告(15 – 75页)
    Prizes and awards: 可获奖项及表扬:
    ■ Award Winners (1 winner in each category) 优胜获奖(每个类别1名优胜者)
    ■ Finalists入围者
    ■ Prize Winners: The jury can grant prizes to organisations that excel in the Fundamental Concepts of Excellence, i.e. in the individual aspects of the EFQM Excellence Model
    得奖者: 评审团可授予奖项给在优秀的基本概念擅长的组织,即在EFQM卓越模型的各别方面
    in the categories: 适用的企业类型:
    ■ large organizations 大型企业
    ■ operational units 业务单位
    ■ small and medium enterprises (SMEs)  中小企业(SMEs)
    ■ public sector / non-profit , ;organizations 国营部门/非盈利性组织
    The demonstrated economic benefits
    The international study “The impact of the effective implementation of organisational excellence strategies on key performance results” shows that effective implementation of the “Excellence Principles” influences the organisation’s results in a significantly positive manner (e.g. turnover, cost, employees).
    The Levels of Excellence are clearly structured steps on the way to the Austrian Quality Award,EFQM. On this way, Quality Austria offers a bundle of possible support and accompanying activities:
    卓越绩效是在获得奥地利质量奖或欧洲质量奖过程中被清晰构建的。 在此过程中,amjs澳金沙门公司/奥地利品质保证协会提供一系列可能的支持活动,包括:
    ■ course “EFQM European Excellence Assessor” 
    ■ course “Committed to Excellence Validator”
    ■ Excellence workshop
    ■ Quick Scan Workshop
    ■ facilitating self-assessment projects – workshop
    All the courses and workshops are also offered as inhouse trainings
    如需更多有关EFQM信息,请连系我们: office@ouliyabihua.com或是 Nicole Mayer产品经理nicole.mayer@qualityaustria.com


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